If you face weapons charges, you’re probably frightened and confused. Laws that affect a person’s right to bear arms change constantly. You might have thought that your act was completely lawful, but here you are in jail, facing weapons charges. You don’t have to go it alone. You need legal help now. Contact one of our experienced weapons charges attorneys today.
Contact The Law Office of Ross G. Thomas to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. (317) 920-2840
Weapons charges include using a firearm recklessly, possession of a weapon without a permit, unlawful use of your weapon, or possession with an intent to commit a crime or harm someone. If you’ve been accused of one of these crimes, you need a lawyer familiar with current weapons regulations. Our experienced criminal defense attorneys keep up to date with all the latest changes in the law and will mount a vigorous defense on your behalf. Don’t wait – get started on your defense now.
First of all, we realize that police often get careless in their quest to reduce crime. Often, they bring weapons charges after an illegal search of a person’s vehicle, home, or a patdown. We examine every aspect of your arrest, the evidence against you, and other facts to see if there are any illegalities, conflicting facts, or missing pieces of evidence. We leave no stone unturned to restore your rights. Get in touch with our team today.
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Aggressive Representation In State & Federal Courts
3601 N Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis, IN 46205
(317) 920-2840
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat - Sun By Appointment
Calls answered 24 hours, Call any time for an appointment